



Top 10 Video Games for Men

Madden 2016

EA gets a lot of shit for phoning it in year after year, knowing that because of the sheer number of football fans in the US, this game will be a hit. And they're always right. That said, what guy hasn't dreamt of taking his favorite team to the Super Bowl, (Looking at you, Browns fans).

NBA 2K16

If EA is the slacker phoning it in, then the developers at 2K are the try-hard kid answering every question in your morning lecture. They even turned the MyPlayer game mode in a small feature film directed by Spike Lee-that's nuts. Just like Madden, being able to control your favorite player/team is like a fantasy to most guys. They should probably have this game in Vegas, considering the way people actually gamble on it.

Call of Duty Black Ops III

A staple of the shooter genre. You can play with up to 15 other people; and it's the best way to get revenge on someone without actually killing them.

Fallout 4

This is for all the guys who think the world is coming to an end soon and probably already have their own survival kits. Perfect if you like to combine first person shooters with RPGs like Skyrim.

Farming Simulator

Embrace your inner redneck. This is game is better played after a few beers and blunt to the face. Weirdly addictive and very interesting to those who wants to know more about agriculture.

Grand Theft Auto

Ever wanted to feel like a pimp, thug, and cop all at once? Now you can. This is the perfect game to blow off some steam after class and take out all your frustration.


This game should come with a warning label reading: "may destroy friendships". Another great sports game, and one the best 1v1 games out right now. It's extremely fun during the World Cup, but also accessible to casual soccer fans.

Far Cry 4

Easily the most popular action adventure game out right now. This is another game for people who don't quite like traditional first person shooters but like survivor games.


There are still many men who faithfully watch and believe that wrestling is real. Even if you're not one of those people, anyone can appreciate this incredibly detailed and well-crafted game. Besides, people still watch soap operas so I guess it's alright to like wrestling, right?


How many men do you know that don't have the need for speed? Exactly. All men at least secretly love racing and this is the best way to do it without getting a ticket.

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