1. Start Making Your Own Coffee!
Buy a good inexpensive coffee machine from Amazon and wake up 10 min earlier. You could save yourself close to $100 a month on coffee!! Yes, that $2 coffee (not from Starbucks) adds up. So, with the initial investment of $24.99 on the coffee machine, you are saving yourself $1oo!
2. Don’t Shop While Hungry
We men, are very visual. We see something, we like it, we want it.
Make sure you have a snack before you go grocery shopping. if you have a
full belly at the supermarket. The shiny, yummy things calling out you
name from the isles won’t have as much effect on you as when you go
there hungry! It also helps if you are trying to stick to a diet. This little tip will see you spending on average a 25% every time you go grocery shopping!
3. Stop Smoking
I stopped smoking a year ago (August 2012) and I saved a whole lot of money while also I feel much healthier. I know it’s not so easy to quit overnight but you can try cutting down at least. Cigarettes are very expensive and a health hazard. Average cost of cigarettes in the US is $8. A pack a day would lead to $240. That’s money you can save up for a dream holiday!
4. Stop Paying For A Gym
If you are a regular at a gym, good on you! It’s nice to keep active and exercise your body. It brings much benefit to your well being and state of mind. I wouldn’t like you to stop going to the gym, BUT make the world your gym! Instead of jogging on a treadmill, go to a run outside. The world is filled with free activities you can do. If you have the room for it, invest in a small home gym. Thus you have all you need to start saving the $125 p/month membership!
5. Invest in Books
Books are very cheap! You can buy one for a $1 and you
can spend weeks entertaining yourself with it. Reading books increases
your knowledge of the world and makes your brain work faster and
smarter. It’s a win-win situation! So head down to a book store and get
yourself something you think you’d enjoy reading. I promise you once you
get going, you’ll enjoy reading it and you won’t put the book down for
weeks! This saves money by not doing other more “expensive” hobbies. Or instead of buying books, one should get a library card. Just remeber to return items on time to avoid late fees.
6. Avoid Peak Season When Traveling
Unless you absolutely have to travel in peak times, try planning your
travels and holidays for late autumn or winter. Travel tickets and
hotels prices usually drop by 50% in the off season. If you’re
considering a family vacation, this simple tip will save you over a $1ooo for sure! There are lot’s of places that are still nice and enjoyable in the “off season”.
7. Buy Quality Products
Yes, buy expensive, quality products that will last instead of the
inferior quality brands. Of course this tip does not apply for
everything but have a look around your most used items and products and
ask yourself how often times you change or upgrade said item, then
figure out if it’s financially wiser to invest in the superior quality
8. Cut Down On Going Out
While it’s good to keep an active social life, if you are trying to save
some money try cutting down going out to bars, restaurants, nightclubs
etc. Places like these will often over charge for drinks (since you’re
getting service and entertainment). If you skip going out two / three
times a month. I’m sure you would save an extra $100 per month easily. Instead of going out, try inviting some friends over or get back to reading a book.
9. Avoid Fees
Sometimes , especially men, due to our I’ll-get-back-to-it-later
attitude, we may miss some responsibilities or do things in “some way”
that can incur extra charges and penalties. I got charged €15, approx.
$2o by my mobile service provider last month for not paying my bill in
time. I am sure I could of avoided that! That’s money wasted! Also
parking fines and speeding tickets will break your budget so be careful
of these. Overall make sure to stay as far as possible from these
penalties, fines and fees!
10. Enjoy The Free Stuff!
Best things in life are free. See what activities you can do around your town or city that don’t cost anything. Google “free things to do in (your city)”
and go out and discover new ways to enjoy and entertain yourself. Make
the world your playground, meet new people, do new things and enjoy
life. You’ll soon find out you don’t need to break your wallet to have
an enjoyable happy life!
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